Independent consultant
Yulduz Abdullaeva
Program for the hematopoietic system

Program for the hematopoietic system

Home page / Programs / Hematopoietic system
The hematopoietic system includes lymph nodes, bone marrow and spleen. Blood is in constant motion and is renewed every 5 days, it has a pH = 7.43. This indicator may fluctuate, but not significantly. If it falls below 7, then death will come. In order not to bring your health to such a state, constantly monitor the acid-base balance. Blood carries oxygen to all organs and tissues. Each cell has its own task.

On average, cells live for 2-3 months. The work of the hematopoietic system is greatly affected by stress, acidified drinks and food of animal origin. When a person eats, he should not saturate the stomach, but cells, give them everything they need, more energy and building material in the form of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

In addition, blood is 90% water. If you have high blood pressure, this means that you drink little water, the blood thickens and the body acidifies. Parasites, viruses and fungi lead to a change in blood composition. According to statistics, 30 percent of people on Earth suffer from anemia.

The causes of anemia are iron deficiency, the presence of parasites sucking blood, a deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid and a lack of water.


Das Programm für das hämatopoetische System ist notwendig, um gesundes Blut zu erhalten, das für 30 Tage nach der Aufnahme ausgelegt ist.

Die in dieser Zusammensetzung enthaltenen aktiven Komponenten unterstützen die Arbeit des gesamten hämatopoetischen Systems, reduzieren das Risiko der Entwicklung von Leukämie, Blutgerinnseln, Mastozytose und mehr. Verbessern und erleichtern Sie die Arbeit des hämatopoetischen Systems als Ganzes. Die in der Zusammensetzung enthaltenen Komponenten verstärken die Wirkung voneinander.
Components of the program:
Coral Alfalfa is a good diuretic, helps with problems of the urinary system, acts as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. A rich source of vitamins A, K, E, D, minerals (especially calcium, phosphorus and fluorine), amino acids, restores the state of the blood. Reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, prevents hemorrhage, bleeding in various forms of hemorrhoidal syndrome, even with radiation sickness. Helps with peptic ulcer, increases locating during breastfeeding, effective for arthrosis, good for gout, rheumatism, radiculitis.
Selenium - necessary to maintain the life of red blood cells, helps prevent cataracts and glaucoma, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, promotes the rapid formation of scar tissue during the rehabilitation period after strokes and heart attacks, is useful for improving blood quality, prolongs the life of red blood cells. Normalizes the function of the thyroid gland, increases the production of thyroxine. Effective in rheumatic diseases, arthritis. Stimulates hair and nail growth, immunostimulant, antioxidant. Strengthens anti-cancer immunity, is useful for the reproductive female system, and for the prevention of fetal malformations.
Iron - in the amino-chelate form, is easily absorbed, regulates the work of antioxidant enzymes that are responsible for the structure of hair and nails, for hair pigmentation, for regeneration processes in skin cells. It is used to prevent anemia (anemia), regulate metabolism, strengthen immunity, improve memory.
Oceanmin is a concentrate of natural deep sea minerals in ionic form. The main component of this product is Magnesium. Oceanmin helps optimize vital processes in the body, promotes energy production in cells. Relieves fatigue, stress, muscle spasm during intense physical exertion. Suitable for athletes. Participates in the regulation of circadian rhythms. Supports the cardiovascular system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Normalizes blood sugar.
Coral-Mine is a mineral composition capable of changing the physical and chemical properties of water, the acid-base balance (pH) towards alkalization. The ionized form of Coral-Mine minerals makes water beneficial and bioavailable to the body.
Coral Alfalfa


If you have never been cleansed of toxins, toxins and parasites, then any program you choose or a single product will be ineffective. In addition, instead of getting a health result, you can only provoke an exacerbation of your disease.

Therefore, before starting to undergo recovery, we recommend starting with a step-by-step Health Concept. A well-thought-out combination of active components of the concept will allow you to quickly achieve health promotion results.

For more information, taking into account all the characteristics of your body, you can contact a consultant.


Yulduz Abdullaeva
Independent consultant IN BANGKOK
+66 2 5842096

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