Independent consultant
Valeriya Maslova
Respiratory program

Respiratory program

Home page / Programs / Respiratory system
The respiratory system is directly involved in the exchange and intake of oxygen, as well as carbon dioxide between the environment and the body.

In the first place among the diseases, there are respiratory organs. A large number of people suffer from various respiratory viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and others), sometimes even several times a year.

The general health status of all organs, in particular the cardiovascular system, depends on the normal functioning of the respiratory system.


H-500 is a powerful natural antioxidant. It creates an alkaline environment, has an antiviral, antibacterial effect, restores kidney function, has a slight diuretic effect, reduces the risk of damage to cell membranes, thins the blood, normalizes metabolism, supports the immune system, and restores the functioning of damaged cells of the respiratory system.
Coral Licorice Root - has an expectorant, choleretic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect. It restores the bronchopulmonary system, improves immunity, improves the circulation of intraarticular fluid, blood and lymph, heals ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, thins sputum, and facilitates expectoration. Effective for laryngitis, bronchitis, trocheitis, hemorrhoids. Restores the pancreas, regulates water-salt metabolism, is effective in acute and chronic pyelonephritis, eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, strengthens the endocrine system. Useful for diabetes and obesity in children.
Pau D`Arco with Selenium is an antifungal and antiviral agent. It is used for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, herpes and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Strengthens and maintains the immune system.
Papaya - a plant enzyme facilitates the digestion and assimilation of food, eliminates heaviness in the stomach when overeating. Effectively heals the gastrointestinal mucosa, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, relieves inflammation and swelling of the throat, and reduces temperature. Promotes liquefaction and excretion of sputum, strengthens the immune system, and also has a slight antiparasitic effect. It is used in various programs for both children and adults.
Coral Lecithin - necessary for the structural restoration of damaged cells of the liver, brain, cardiovascular system. Lecithin accelerates the structural restoration of liver tissues under the toxic effects of drugs, viruses, alcohol, nicotine. Its additional introduction into the diet prevents eye fatigue and various visual impairments, improves memory, reduces anxiety, depression, and reduces bad cholesterol. Without it, the process of repairing damaged cells and the birth of new ones is impossible.
Coral Burdock Root - contains crushed root and burdock extract. It cleanses the body, is used for bronchopulmonary diseases, has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, removes toxins, cleanses the blood. Regulates metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanses the lymph and facilitates the work of the liver. It is used for diabetes, gout, rheumatism, gastritis, ulcers, urolithiasis. Stimulates the cleansing systems of the body: diuretic, blood-purifying and detoxifying. Helps to remove ammonia, toxins, uric acid from the body.
Silver-Max (Colloidal Silver) is a universal natural antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic. A chic antiseptic for any intestinal disorders and infections, problems with the kidneys and bladder. Effective for dermatitis, eczema, burns, boils. Used for diseases of the appendages, bacterial vaginitis. It is used in antiviral, antifungal programs, as well as in acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and tonsillitis.
Coral-Mine is a mineral composition capable of changing the physical and chemical properties of water, the acid-base balance (pH) towards alkalization. The ionized form of Coral-Mine minerals makes water beneficial and bioavailable to the body.
Coral Licorice Root
Pau D`Arco with Selenium
Coral Lecithin
Coral Burdock Root


If you have never been cleansed of toxins, toxins and parasites, then any program you choose or a single product will be ineffective. In addition, instead of getting a health result, you can only provoke an exacerbation of your disease.

Therefore, before starting to undergo recovery, we recommend starting with a step-by-step Health Concept. A well-thought-out combination of active components of the concept will allow you to quickly achieve health promotion results.

For more information, taking into account all the characteristics of your body, you can contact a consultant.


Valeriya Maslova
Independent consultant IN HERAKLION

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