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Women's Health: Folic Acid / Vitamin B9 (Coral Club)

Folic Acid (100 tablets)

Maintains the health of all organs and systems, promotes normal hair growth and maintains the beauty of your skin. Read more...
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Folic Acid (100 tablets)
In 1941, folic acid (vitamin B9) was isolated from green leaves of spinach and parsley, from which it owes its name (from the Latin folium - "leaf"). When cooking food containing this vitamin, 90% of it is destroyed, so today one in two women has a folic acid deficiency. It is significantly higher in women taking hormonal medications and alcohol.

The situation can be improved by supplementing the lack of vitamin with the help of the Folic Acid Bio Supplement. This product is a source of folic acid, necessary for the synthesis of blood cells and neurons, DNA and RNA reproduction. Vitamin B9 is also needed for normal development of embryonic tissues during pregnancy.


Folic acid. A lack of folic acid disrupts the blood's anticoagulant system, which can lead to an increase in blood clots. Folic acid restores the structure of the nervous tissue and plays an important role in the development of adrenaline.

Vitamin B9 prevents intrauterine fetal abnormalities. During pregnancy, it is involved in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus, the placenta, is necessary for cell division, growth and development of all organs and tissues. It is also helpful during the feeding period, as well as for relieving postnatal depression.

Along with vitamin B12, folic acid is involved in the regulation of hematopoietic processes in the hemoglobin system, it is an indispensable part for the reproduction of red blood cells - erythrocytes, white blood cells - leukocytes. Thus, it prevents the development of anemia of various etymologies.

In addition, folic acid increases mental and physical performance and plays an important role in the prevention of atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. Beneficial changes in blood lipids occur under its influence, the content of cholesterol in the blood serum decreases.

Vitamin B9 increases the clinical effect in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. In combination with vitamin B12, it helps to even out skin pigmentation caused by vitiligo and helps with acne (acne).


Avoids hypovitaminosis of vitamin B9.
Prevents anemia of various etiologies.
Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Improves with a complex effect the course of skin diseases.


Folic acid - 400 mg
Auxiliary components


Gerhard Jeltes
Independent consultant IN MAIDUGURI

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