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Reviews and Results



Valentyna Poniatovska
Valentyna Poniatovska
I started taking Coral Club products almost 3 years ago. I had constant headaches, loss of strength, fatigue, pain in the epigastric region, bloating, constipation, hemorrhoids, blood vessels in the fingers often broke and bruises appeared, muscle aches and pains in the thigh, cramps, hot flashes, hair began to fall out and nails broke, I gained weight ... But all the tests were within normal limits, and the doctors found nothing. I had to figure it out for myself and take my health into my own hands. Thank fate I'm here!
Now that I look back and understand the causes of my problems, I think with horror of what diagnoses it would have led to if I had not started to cleanse myself in time, drink the "right water" and give the body cellular nutrition!
How important is the knowledge about the basics of health that doctors and specialists of Coral Club share with us!
I fell in love with the products, the company! Here I found everything for myself and in one place: I restored and maintained my health with the help of the Health Concept, I drink delicious living Coral-Mine alkaline water, I use products for beauty (Promarine Collagen Peptides) and weight maintenance (Lipostick Fit), I enjoy the great Privilege anti-aging cosmetics. I am 62 years old and others say I look 10 years younger.
I thank the company for a great product, thank you for my great results!
Gerhard Jeltes
Gerhard Jeltes
I already use Coral Club products almost three years. During this time, thanks to the Health Concept, I got rid of many health problems. Seasonal allergies, allergies to almost all fruits (now I eat everything!), regular headaches, itchy skin, problems with stomach and intestines, all disappeared. I also had problems with the bronchopulmonary system: constant coughing, shortness of breath, asthmatic symptoms; I have used an inhaler (corticosteroids) for 12 years (I stopped using it in the second phase of the Health Concept, after the Parashield program). I suffered from prostate enlargement, my PSA value grew constantly and was already 8.8. But after three months of the 90-day program, it decreased dramatically in a short time and came within the safe range - the last test showed 3.7 (permissible max. value is 4).
I am very satisfied with the results, I still use the products and my health remains consistently good. This gives me the opportunity to stay active and enjoy life at 71!
user incoral
Maria Makar
Many people leave reviews here, both positive and negative. Some even need motivation and validation. I can only speak for myself. I am 48 years old and have been using Coral Club products for three years and am therefore a member of this club. I took products to cleanse the body, one of them is Coral Detox (mild cleansing of the body of toxins, 3 months) and Colo-Vada (stronger cleansing, two courses of two weeks), and regularly use Coral-Mine in water. From 95 kg I lost 15 kg.
user incoral
Thank you for the existence of Coral Club, health is above all. Thank you very much that there are programs for every "taste" and for any physical problem, you only have to want and everything is here and now. I really like this approach to my health. I thank all the people who organize it all and transfer knowledge to “smart” people like us. Thanks, all the best and light to you!
I really love Coral Products. They helped get rid of excess weight, pain in the joints and head, cleared the skin, rejuvenated by 20 years.
user incoral
Irina Lisitsyna
About 15 years ago I got rosacea on my face. This was treated with pills and gel prescribed by the doctor. There were improvements, but nothing disappeared. I sometimes looked at the reviews of people who had the same problem I had for years. In 2021 I read a review that changed my face. A woman gave the advice to clean the body with Coral Club products. I used Detox, Anti Parasite and Colo Vada and for 2 years I don't know what rosacea is anymore.
user incoral
First day I start the detox program. I have many problems: overweight, thyroxine levels are way too high, fatigue, shortness of breath, depression. I hope for a miracle. I will follow all rules and recommendations.
Alesya Trishina
Alesya Trishina
We use the products and health concept of the Coral Club. My husband and I recovered our health and the health of our loved ones, mothers and fathers. My husband had intervertebral disc herniation and osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine. He was treated in hospitals for a long time, but nothing helped, and then he was in bed for almost half a year! I had allergies and asthma, often swelling of the face and body. Now that we have completed the concept with Coral Club products, we feel great! We tell and show others how to use the product.
Larisa Obukhova
Larisa Obukhova
My mother-in-law, 79 years old (registered in oncology for 10 years), a week ago felt pain, pain in her head, her temperature rose. The next day the doctor diagnosed double pneumonia and later confirmed the Covid analysis. She got injections according to the protocol and added liposomal vitamin D3 and Phytoviron. After 4 days the temperature stopped rising, on the 7th day the sense of smell was restored and she did all the housework again. On the 10th day, she went out for a walk. It's been a month and she feels good.
user incoral
On the recommendation of my beautician, I decided to try Coral Detox. I had headaches and constipation. I have been suffering from these problems for a long time, since I was 16 years old. Before, of course, I didn't even know that going to the toilet once a week is very unhealthy, that bowel movements should be regular - every day. I thought it's really handy when you're going somewhere and you don't have to think about it on the way! And then the problems started. Then I used the program for 1 month and slowly felt that my stomach was not pressing on my lungs ... Such pleasant sensations.
Lyudmila Zimina
Lyudmila Zimina
I want to thank Coral-Club.
Thanks to the "health concept", I not only solved my health problems, not only lost 15.5 kg, became younger and more beautiful (women compliment me ... and that is worth a lot to me ...), and especially thanks to the company's ideology, its approach to each person's health, unique products and its system, I also had opportunities without borders. With new energy to a new life. I recommend it to everyone!
Tatyana Gaidasheva
Tatyana Gaidasheva
I am 55 years old.
Since childhood I have problems with the intestines - constipation: 2-3 times a week. In the 7th grade, a headache began - my head ached from morning to evening. Always wanting to sleep, often with a cold.
At the age of 20, the threat of miscarriage, inflammation, erosion, at the age of 27, hepatitis C (I donated blood and got infected).
Further, the problems only grew - sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, the threat of surgery: problems with the reproductive system; excess weight, gastritis of the stomach, and then an ulcer.
After completing the health concept, many problems are left in the past.
Olga Petrova
Olga Petrova
I have been using Coral Club products for over 5 years. Came here for health. I was tormented by frequent colds - SARS, Angina, Influenza, Sinusitis. Every quarter regularly 1-2 times. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the stomach. On the back, in the area of ​the shoulder blades, 2 bumps appeared, similar to fat bumps. Thank God it's all in the past, I forgot everything I wrote above.
I went through the Health Concept - Cleanse the Body - Detox, the Parasitic Program and the Cleanse of the Intestines and everything got better, which I am very happy with. My husband went through a cleansing with me, now he forgot when he had a cold, although he works in a large team where other people get sick regularly. He still retains his immunity.
My mother also achieved a good result 3 years ago, she also underwent a cleansing first, her blood sugar and blood pressure returned to normal, she had diabetes.
More recently, a cousin was diagnosed with psoriasis, the whole body was covered with pink-red plaques, the surface of which was scaly, itchy and covered with scales. The doctor said: 'Learn to live with it, it cannot be cured', drops and ointments did not help. We did the Health Concept with her, the skin is clear after 3 months.
Tatiana Shahbander
Tatiana Shahbander
I started the 90 Day Detox cleanse program without much hope: 3 years earlier I gained weight quickly and couldn't help myself.
But the result exceeded all my expectations! Not only did I lose 10 kg and 18 cm girth, but my sinusitis, tooth sensitivity, rashes and fatigue disappeared. My taste buds cleared up: I got rid of the carbohydrate addiction and fell in love with vegetables. In return, I got lightness, good mood, tighter skin, strong immunity!
I recommend Coral Club!
user incoral
Kubotshkina Elena
My first detox cure.
I started with a weight of 59, volumes of 94/71/96, and a desire to cleanse the skin of my face.
Nutrition in this program was easy for me, because even before the detox, I began to be interested in this issue.
There were some problems during the second phase (taking sorbent cocktails), but they were quickly solved and the result amazed me!))
I was struck not so much by the kilograms and the incredible transformation of the skin ... but by the lightness I felt: I've probably never felt like this before!
Olena Nedogibchenko
Olena Nedogibchenko
Our products work wonders. After the injury of the right shoulder joint (I lifted a weight in a jerk), the arm for lifting, bending, moving to the side stopped working at all, the pain was constant. Signs of stage III subacromial impingement on MRI, complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon, partial rupture of the tendon of the subscapularis muscle (abdominal atrophy of the supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles - old sports injuries), infraspinatus tendinopathy, small round forelock, possibly complete rupture of the tendon of the long head of the biceps, degenerative changes in the joint socket with an opening in the posterior upper segment, moderate synovitis and periarticular bursitis of the right shin parent joint.
Men advised surgery, then in the splint with the arm raised for 1.5 months and a year of rehabilitation. I am an active person, it did not suit me.
I did not even expect that a positive result would be felt so quickly.
Coral Mine with H-500, Coral Boswellia 2 caps 3 times with meals for 1 month (relieves pain very well, did not take other painkillers), then another 2 weeks 1x3 times, Ca-Mg Complex 2x2 times, MSM 2 in the morning and of course B-Luron in the morning 30 ml after meals. After 2 weeks I was already eating with my right hand, after 3 weeks I could I raise my arm and turn behind my back. Rehabilitation with gradual loading. With increased pain - cream, Boswellia. I finished using Bi-Luron a week ago and the effect of the action continues. The hand works fully, I lift weights, up to 3 kg, without explosiveness. My vision has also improved.
Coral Detox is necessary for everyone throughout life. This is the basis and guarantee for a long and active life. Whether we like it or not, toxins enter our body every second. We breathe unclean air, we drink dead potions, we eat nonliving food, I'm not even talking about bad habits. It helps me to be energetic, healthy and young all day long. Thanks to the company for such a product that everyone needs.
user incoral
My size has decreased perfectly, I look slimmer, and even the swelling on my legs has disappeared, the shoes do not pinch. I drank a lot coral water and took Pentokan.
Ema Kushnirsky
Ema Kushnirsky
I want to share with you the result of a wonderful woman who is 72 years old. 10 years ago she had an accident and her life changed drastically due to a serious spinal cord injury. An operation, a lot of drugs and monthly painful injections in the spine, a strong tremor of the arm.
In the past 10 months, she has refused several chemical drugs, stopped the injections completely, and the tremor has stopped. Walks with Scandinavian sticks 6 km, tennis. She drinks our magic water, minerals and vitamins. Life is back!
Nonna Gladkikh
Nonna Gladkikh
Coral Club deals with health and helps our body to use the immune system properly. Having understood this, you can treat any disease, and from there you can completely get rid of it! It's hard, but really! This is what the Coral Club idea is based on: purification, nutrition, protection and proper use of your body's resources, each of its cells! By applying and trying out products you understand how it all works. And one more thing… in addition to the excellent results I have achieved in my family, my consumers are also achieving results. Well, for example, doctors diagnosed a child with autism and he began to develop like an ordinary, normal child! Cancer is gone! Infertile women give birth! Doesn't this prove that the products work?
Tatyana Broun
Tatyana Broun
There are many reviews about the Coral Club, both positive and negative. Negative reviews are mainly written by those who used products without observing the diet or health concept. Or someone who has accumulated diseases for years and has now bought one product and wants immediate results. That's not happening. In a pharmacy we buy a medicine and it removes the pain, the symptom, but the cause of the problem remains. At Coral Club, a competent advisor guides you to the result and also teaches you about healing systems. Some would say it's expensive! But I believe that prevention is still cheaper than cure!
user incoral
Good afternoon. There are negative reviews about the Coral Club company on the Internet, but they are emotional and contain little information. I'd like to hear the arguments.
Larisa Obukhova
Larisa Obukhova
Review from my friend Alexandra on using B-Luron:
I noticed that while using B-Luron, the nails became strong and as if I had polished them and covered them with a colorless varnish.
All in all a great product, I'm thankful, (also for helping with my spine). I recommend it!
More in detail:
- The creaking of the joints in the morning has disappeared (everyone knows what it is).
- The acute pain in the middle of the back went away (I know why it was, on the MRI - Schmorl's nodes all over the spine - the consequences of young sports).
Very happy with the result!
user incoral
My name is Isaac. I am 72 years old. I am an anesthesiologist, my work is intensive and responsible. I only became acquainted with the Coral Club concept 1.5 months ago, before that I hardly drank regular water. Now I use the Coral Detox program; my energy has increased, and most importantlyI have no more noise in my head,what does that mean that the vessels are starting to get clean, which I am incredibly happy with and I am sure that other results will not be long in coming. All health!
Larisa Obukhova
Larisa Obukhova
Good afternoon my friends! My results.
I undertake systematic steps and 10 years ago this allowed me to avoid surgery to remove a benign tumor and without drugs. What have I done? Adapted nutrition, positive thinking and nutrition correctors according to health technology. And after a period of physical exhaustion, I gained weight, the thyroid gland returned to normal, the intestines began to work, swelling on the leg began to subside, the kidneys began to work better, the depression went away, I got more energy, started smiling and enjoying life. I will continue on this road.
Olga Petrova
Olga Petrova
The person who writes that the Coral Club is a scam did not understand the products and the purification concept, or he had a different purpose, or the person was not trustworthy.
There is a lot of rubbish on the Internet, you can find information about any Internet company, where they write that it is a scam. You need hard evidence to make a claim.
I myself joined Coral Club more than 5 years ago, invited by a friend. After 40 years, health problems began, frequent colds, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes. I was looking for how to help myself without harming my body and decided to try Coral Club products, went through the Health Concept and voila, I can't remember having a cold and improving the digestive tract. In addition, my mother had diabetes, now the blood sugar level is normal.
I recommend reading the positive reviews, there are many.
Tatyana Braun
Tatyana Braun
You have to try the products and then judge! I am a skeptic and check everything myself. After working at the Ministry of the Interior at the age of 37, I took early retirement, I broke down all the way, ate fast food, didn't drink water at all, only coffee. I have tried the products! I didn't believe it at all at first! But I got results and then more. That's why I'll say this: Don't judge too soon!
user incoral
I read reviews on other sites that Coral Club is a scam. What can you answer?
Viktoriya Kuzijkova
Viktoriya Kuzijkova
Good afternoon my friends! My health results are very positive, I got rid of cystitis, which had plagued me for 30 years, and arthrosis. I gained energy and a desire to live; the digestive tract improved, I lost weight, thanks to cleansing with Coral Club products. Also my family and friends, grateful customers improve their health with our targeted programs. I thank Coral Club for the Health Concept and for quality products, I wish everyone happiness and health!
Tatiana Braun
Tatiana Braun
Ten years ago I became acquainted with Coral Club products. I decided to test the effect of the Concept of Health on myself. Started with the Pack of Life. After about 10 days, I began to wake up cheerful and energetic, the swelling under my eyes disappeared. During the antiparasitic program on the 16th day, the warts on my arm disappeared. After completing the Colo-Vada Plus program, I lost cellulite and extra 7 kg. Improved skin condition and complexion. In general, I recommend everyone to experience this feeling. If you are afraid, just do everything under the control of your advisor.
user incoral
Elena Didovets
I am a lover of crafts at my summer cottage in the summer, I often go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, sometimes I forgot to wash my hands with soap and water. Once I met a friend in the store, who noticed that I was starting to look tired and irritated. During the conversation, I complained that I had irregular bowel movements, had frequent stomach aches, and fell into depression for no reason. The friend advised to go through a Coral Club antiparasitic program. I am a skeptic but decided to give it a try. I started with the parasite program, then followed the Healthy Gut program and after two months I saw my results. The skin became clean, fatigue was removed as if by hand, the mood improved. The company's products work wonders.
Olena Nedogibchenko
Olena Nedogibchenko
Whatever your concerns, start with Coral Mine, coral water. And even better with Coral Detox. It is a kind of diagnostic laboratory that shows all your problems. How polluted and acidified is your body. We have a ready-made program to cleanse the body on a cellular level in 90 days.
user incoral
I am now going through the Colo-Vada 2 Plus - colon cleansing. I thought it would be difficult, but thanks to a well-thought-out systematic approach, that is, all enzymes, sorbents, bacteria, minerals, vitamins, water, fibers are in capsules, which are packed in packets, where every step is described, everything is clear and accessible. On the 9th day I saw a result that exceeded my expectations. The program is not over yet and now I already feel better, I have energy, cheerfulness, I began to sleep better. The product works - I can say with confidence. I am very grateful to the person who showed me this opportunity.
Anyone who wants to lose weight and gain muscle mass, listen to the result of the world bodybuilding champion Dmitry Murzin. He transformed his body in 90 days with the following Coral Club products: Protivity, Hi-Fiber, H-500, Coral Detox and Coral-Mine.
Halina Artemenko
Halina Artemenko
After more than 12 years of experience using the Club's products, I can say with certainty: "Everyone gets results with our wellness programs!" Anyone who follows their recommendations. I got a lot of results. My family and friends also have great results. In fact - from clients who have learned how to get their results through the club's natural programs.
Elena Bilyk
Elena Bilyk
Yesterday, the client Kucheryavenko Lyubov shared with me the results of her grandson's progressions. Grandson is 10 years old. He was lazy at school, you couldn't force him to do homework, he had health problems since early childhood. We started with a parasitic program: Coral Mine Water, Coral Black Walnut Leaf, Pau 'd Arco, Silver Max. He used it for three months, because there were many problems. He got energy again, he started playing sports. Then he took cellular nutrition: Spirulina, Ca-Mg, Ultimate, Lecithin, Omega 3-60 and Visi-Prime. Today he took 1st place in the class in reading speed, his school work has improved, he is active in class, his parents and grandmother are happy! Thanks to the Club for quality products!
Elena Bilyk
Elena Bilyk
Uitslag Kolesnik Nadezjda (Zaporozhye).
During delivery, the amniotic fluid was green. The child began to have a purulent rash. At the age of 1 month, doctors declared infection, dystrophy of the 1st degree.
Learned about Coral Club. I started giving my child the antiparasitic tincture No. 7. On the 3rd day there was a full diaper of parasites. And so the worms came out for 3 days. Parasitic droplets had a duration of 21 days. And then every 2-3 months for prevention. From 5-6 months for prevention, I switched to Parafight - an antiparasitic complex. 1 capsule for 2 days.
From the first month I added Colostrum, Assimilator and Digestive Formula, MindSet. I put some of the capsules in the milk and fed my daughter. Gradually the problems disappeared. My daughter has gained weight.
Then I switched to goat's milk and added spirulina. Coral Mine water on a permanent basis.
By 8 months the strabismus had disappeared. The products are absolutely safe and can be given to children from birth.
user incoral
Olga Smirnova
I have been buying vitamins from Coral Club company - Ultimate, 24 Seven for two years now. Thanks to them, my child and I began to get less sick with colds and viral diseases, and if we get sick, then not for a long time and in a mild form. I also really like Silver Max (Colloidal Silver). This is a unique product, a very good antiseptic. With a cold, my child's adenoids become inflamed and a runny nose immediately appears, thanks to this remedy, a day or two and a runny nose, as had never happened before. We even stopped taking hormonal drugs, without which we could not do before. I also use Colloidal Silver for virus prophylaxis when leaving the house.
Elena Bilyk
Elena Bilyk
I joined the club 13 years ago. I was interested in bioavailable healthy water from Coral Mine and the Colo-Vada body cleansing program. I didn't consider myself sick and fat. If someone called me sick I would be offended. I regularly exercised for health, monitored nutrition. With a height of 170 cm, my weight was 64-65 kg. Disorders such as allergies at the end of summer, superficial sleep, fatigue in the evenings, periodic constipation were considered the norm. After the first Colo-Vada I weighed 8 kg less! Do you think I've become a skinny person?? By no means! It left behind the slags of the intestines and poisonous water hiding in the far nooks and crannies of the intercellular space. Energy came, allergies went away, the intestines began to work normally, sleep became deep, and less time was needed to rest. Since then I do Colo-Vada regularly, 2-3 times a year. Weight back to normal, stable 58 kg. I feel great, and at 60 I like myself!
user incoral
Coral Club products are not only suitable for people, but also for animals. Giving food to a pregnant dog. As a result, we got absolutely healthy puppies with strong teeth, shiny fur and strong immunity.
user incoral
Alina Trigub
My girlfriend has told me a lot about Coral Club products and coral water. Her results inspired me. She lost those extra pounds and looked 5 years younger. I looked online to read reviews. There are both positive and negative. And yet I decided to test the company's products myself. I bought the Colo-Vada Plus program and it was very successful. The result is this: I lost 7 kg in two weeks and, to be honest, I was pleased with the result. The program is very soft and comfortable. I recommend Coral Club products to everyone. Try it yourself and only then draw conclusions.
Ivanova Galina, 62 years old
Ivanova Galina, 62 years old
Prior to joining the company I suffered from high blood pressure, seasonal allergies, asthma and a stroke. I have been looking for a cure for a long time. In 2003 I learned from my daughter about the miraculously healing Living Water and the cleansing program Colo-Vada Plus.
Improving the body started with the concept of health. Weight reduced from 94 kg to 70. In addition, blood pressure returned to normal. After completing several Colo-Vada Plus programs, I no longer suffered from allergies and returned to normal life. For the past 14 years I have not been to the doctor, I am engaged in maintaining my health myself. I drink up to 3 liters a day of the right Coral-Mine water and I do a body cleansing twice a year.
If you are interested in my health results, I am happy to share information with you. I wish you all good health!
user incoral
Marina Kuzmina, 38 years old, Novoaltaisk
For ten years I dreamed of losing weight. With a height of 155 cm, I weighed 90 kg. I have tried various methods to lose weight, including strict dieting. As a result, the weight returned, and even more than that. I was looking for different options, and as they say, who seeks will find! And so it happened, I got acquainted with the project "Change yourself in 90 days" and the result is visible! Weight began to decrease, energy began to appear, pain in the joints disappeared, blood pressure returned to normal. And this result has been maintained for 3 years! The dream came true! I have a slim figure and youth in addition!
user incoral
Elena Wagner, 40 years old, Barnaul
For a long time I was looking for an opportunity to lose weight without fasting. After getting acquainted with the project "Change yourself in 90 days", I lost weight from 111 kg to 68 kg. My appearance changed, from an old aunt I turned into a young woman. With the decrease in weight, I got rid of chronic fatigue, blood pressure dropped, swelling decreased, pain in the joints went away, the skin became clean, without papillomas and crusts.
user incoral
Consumer Coral Club
I was overweight. I was successful with the Health Concept and got the result of minus 15 kg.
user incoral
Ljoedmila Staykova
For years I was overweight, my joints ached, I got a disease like arthritis. After I got to know the Coral Club company, I started to get involved in prevention. Using the concept of health, the following results have been obtained: weight loss, arthritis and joint pain disappeared.
user incoral
My child had diathesis, which did not go away for a long time. A friend advised the Coral Club products, with the help of which the child's skin recovered in just one month.
user incoral
Mykola Kaliningrad
Decided to leave a review on your site. I have been a customer of the company for 6 years now and have many products that I love the most: Coral-Mine, Microhydrin, Alfalfa and Pau D' Arco. Over the years I have never been on sick leave (and before Coral Club, at least 2 times a year, I went on sick leave with various colds and viral illnesses, apart from the exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the neck). Now I totally have no osteochondrosis, I guess it just doesn't exist anymore (I always drink coral water). Blood pressure is normal, sugar is normal, cholesterol was normal, but now it has dropped to 4.5 and it has been for 4 years.
Loved the Colo-Vada cleanse. You don't suffer from not eating at all, the body gets everything it needs according to the program, no stress. My weight has long been kept at the level of 80 kg with a height of 178 (I am 54 years old). Before that it was already 96.
user incoral
Alesya in Francesco
We want to tell our story. We have not had children for 9 years due to polycystic ovaries. I was treated for a long time, all to no avail. A friend told us about Coral Club products. My husband and I went to a seminar, where we were advised to start recovering with the help of the Health Concept with my husband. And four months later, when I came for an ultrasound, they found no cysts on me.
user incoral
Zufar Kamilov, 30 years old
Health problems - overweight, I had no energy and strength.
Troubleshooting - my weight has returned to normal, well-being has improved, energy has appeared, mood has improved.
Health Programs - Completed Colo-Vada Plus cleanse twice in a row. I changed my lifestyle, improved nutrition, and went in for sports.
user incoral
Leysan Kashafutdinova
Health problems - overweight, shortness of breath.
Troubleshooting - weight returned to normal, immunity strengthened, shortness of breath disappeared.
Health programs - went through the general concept of health, changed nutrition, began to play sports.
Natalia Salnik
Natalia Salnik
I came for health that needed to get better, I refused 11 - 12 operations, very serious, I decided to try ... and now I have been using the products for 9 years! After getting great results, I forgot my way to terrible hospitals, now only medical examinations. All organs remained intact and I like to share my results with people. Now I know that if you really want to live and you're searching, and you do not give in to diseases, you will succeed!
user incoral
Zufar Kamilov
Health problems - overweight, lack of energy and strength. Solving problems - the weight returned to normal, the state of health improved, energy appeared, the mood improved. Health programs - Colo-Vada Plus colon cleanse, twice in a row. He changed his lifestyle, adjusted food, went in for sports.
user incoral
Svetlana Lichovidova
I heard that you should drink a lot of water, at least 1.5 liters a day, depending on your weight, and that such water helps to restore health. On the Internet I found information about the company Coral Club, in particular about Coral-Mine. Gathered information, read reviews. I could not understand in any way how a bag of coral sand can enrich water with minerals, change its structure and maintain the acid-base balance in the body. I drank water with Coral Mine for six months and decided to have an ultrasound. And you won't believe it, they didn't find any grit in my kidneys. It was very inspiring, I decided not to stop. I continue to drink water, I use the concept of health. I recommend the company's products to my friends and family.
Victor Antropov
Victor Antropov
Health problems - overweight, weak immunity.
Troubleshooting - weight returned to normal, energy appeared, immunity was restored.
Health programs - I went through the general concept of health, then I underwent purification according to the new author programs from O.A. Butakova. I changed my diet, switched to vegetarianism, went in for sports.
user incoral
Lilya Zubareva
Health problems - overweight, chronic rhinitis.
Troubleshooting - weight returned to normal, immunity strengthened.
Health programs - I went through the general concept of health, changed my lifestyle, started exercising, switched to cellular nutrition.
Health problems - two hernias of the lumbar spine (6 mm and 12 mm), a cyst on the kidney, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, stomach ulcers.
Solve problems - twice a year I undergo a cleansing of the body according to the Health concept. In between cleanings I use a program to clean the muscle corset to repair and maintain.
Health programs - recovery and maintenance of the muscular corset: B-Luron, Pau D'Arco with mate, Colostrum, MSM, Coral water.
user incoral
Borisova Tatiana
Step by step the health concept. And here is the long-awaited result - weight loss by 15 kg.
Savia Igonina, 54 years old
Savia Igonina, 54 years old
There were health problems - hypertension, insomnia, joint pain (arthritis), excess weight, skin problems, brittle hair and nails.
Troubleshooting - my weight returned to normal, I began to sleep better, the joint pain subsided. Hair, nails and skin are restored.
Health Programs - I went through the general concept of health, changed my diet, changed my lifestyle.
user incoral
A busy schedule and constant travel, not quite the right nutrition and, as a result, poor health and constant fatigue. I heard from a colleague about the programs of the company Coral Club, a complex approach to restoring the body and keeping fit aroused interest. I was particularly surprised by the reviews on coral detox - the natural elimination of toxins; activity and youth, and even inspired by the example of a colleague. With the help of a consultant, I picked up a cleaning program and started following the instructions. I will modestly say: the results are encouraging. Coral Detox, in my opinion, is the first step to solving health problems. After completing the course I plan to try other Coral Club programs.
Health problems - obesity, shortness of breath, intestinal dysbacteriosis, fungus between the toes, chipped nails, joint pain.
Troubleshooting - I lost weight from 84 kg to 65 kg, energy came, mood improved, bowel function improved, joint pain disappeared, the fungus between my toes disappeared, the nails stopped breaking and exfoliate.
Health Programs - Coral Detox (Coral Lecithin, H-500, Assimilator, Coral-Mine) and Antiparasitic Program (Pau D'Arco met Selenium, Black Walnut Leaves, Papaya, Coral-Mine).
user incoral
I am with Coral Club International with the aim of helping my clients to be healthy.
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by Alexander Mann
My eldest daughter gave me information about Coral Club. From the age of 30 I suffered from hypertension. After I started drinking coral water, the pressure returned to normal, I lost 17 kg, I felt a surge of energy and strength.
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Elena Muravenko
I heard about Coral Water from my friend, but I didn't dare to try the water until my mother had an accident. Mom was released from the hospital and standard methods for her recovery were exhausted. And then I decided to try coral products, in particular Coral-Mine. But I did not dare to give it to my mother, I first began to try it myself, I thought that nothing would happen to me. Just a month later I got good results. Firstly, I had lost 7 kg, and the amount of thyroid hormones had decreased. And when I started using the products in the complex, I was able to get rid of all synthetic hormones.
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Maria Ivanovich
My child had the Epstein-Barr virus, which is not treated in medicine. After passing the antiparasitic program, we got rid of this virus.
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Natalia Zakirova
Gone Quincke edema, joint pain, heart attacks, overweight.
Ivan Hrypchenko
Ivan Hrypchenko
I was treated for pyelonephritis for many years, but did not get any results from the treatment at all. The state of health only worsened. Learned from friends about Living Water Coral-Mine properties. In the first days of admission, I immediately noticed that the color of urine and my well-being had changed. Three months later, after the tests, I was told that the kidney stones had dissolved.
user incoral
An integrated approach: sports, nutrition, water, body cleansing and cellular nutrition, this is a reasonable approach to weight loss!
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Raisa Ivanovna
Get rid of complexes with excess weight. With the help of cleansing and recovery programs, I lost extra pounds and was happy with my health!
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Sokolova Irina
After the birth of my child I gained 10 kg overweight. After a complex cleansing of the body, the volumes disappeared, and the weight returned to normal.
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I was overweight. After completing the program - colon cleansing "Colo-Vada Plus", I lost 10 kg and began to look younger.
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Yuri Dushenok
Passed the cleansing of the body and cellular nutrition, lost weight, restored the work of the digestive tract. I thank my consultant Svetlana for the amazing results.
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I like Coral Club
I suffered from headaches for 25 years, when I heard about Coral Club's miraculous living water from my sister, and decided to try it. I started drinking water and within a day I felt improvement. After that I went through the whole concept of health and now I feel full of energy and strength.
user incoral
I passed the Health Concept, lost weight and decided to continue maintaining my health!
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Svetlana Paramygina
After several programs of body cleansing and cellular nutrition, the weight dropped by 20 kg, grit from the kidneys, swelling in the arms and legs, and the headache disappeared. There was energy again.
user incoral
Couldn't get pregnant after multiple missed pregnancies. After completing the Health Concept, a wonderful baby was born.
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Renata Ibragimova
After the birth of my child, I could not get in shape for a long time. After getting acquainted with the programs for cleansing and restoring health and going through the Health Concept step by step, I got a long-awaited result. Lose weight and gain confidence!
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Igor Petrov
You won't believe I weighed more than 140 kg. Passed by the concept of health. In the first phase I learned to drink enough water. With the Colo-Vada Plus program I lost excess weight. And here is my desired result! Weight reduction by 55 kg.
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Tatiana Perenosova
I had issues in cardiovascular system. I started drinking Coral-Mine Living Water and my health improved, I got energy that I didn't even have in my youth.
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Raikhan Sharafeeva, 33 years old
Health problems - chronic tracheobronchitis, tonsillitis, pimply skin, persistent edema, gastritis, cholecystitis, excess weight, problems in the female genitals.
Troubleshooting - weight returned to normal, immunity strengthened, problems with the genitals resolved.
Health programs - concept of health, then cellular nutrition.


Evgeniya Samochina
Independent consultant
+998 71 2903674

See also